Friday, 11 May 2012

Natural Remedies for Panic Attacks

So maybe you feel the thought of taking manufactured drugs for panic attacks is just scary. Even though the medical community says they are safe and that you will be helped by them, it just seems like the first thing any physician wants to do is to drug you up with the latest pharmaceutical concoction. Then a few years later you start hearing about all the nasty side-effects that they hadn't noticed in the original studies. No. You're not into being the medical community's guinea pig. Instead of taking some laboratory manufactured drug, why not look for ways to use your body's own natural remedies for panic attacks. So here are some natural remedies for panic attacks:

Deep Breathing - You've probably already heard of the brown bag method, where you slowly breathe into a brown paper bag to help you overcome your anxieties. Well, brown bag or not, it really does work. If you get very good at learning to regulate your breathing you will find you can stay calm in the most tense situations. It's all about focusing on your breaths: breathe in, completely filling your lungs; then breath out, completely emptying them. Nice. And. Slow. Also helpful for learning how to control your breathing is practicing meditation and yoga. These ancient practices have a proven track record.
Exercise - Even your doctor will agree with this one: perhaps the best of the natural remedies for panic attacks is exercise. Nothing beats exercise. You see, a panic attack is a disorder where your nervous system shoots adrenaline into your body mimicking the flight or fight response that you get to help you survive life threatening situations. So, when you sit down and try to relax-like a lot of medical professionals will tell you-you are actually working against your body's own natural inclination.
What actually works much better is to burn off that anxiety by going to the gym or for a run. The adrenaline in your body wants you to go into overdrive not start shutting down. So next time you feel your anxiety beginning to peek, put on your Nike's and just do it.
Also, generally speaking, studies have found that people who exercise regularly (not just when having panic attacks) are far less likely to have panic attacks to begin with. When they do have panic attacks they are less severe and less frequent. Nothing Beats Exercise!
Avoid Caffeine and other Drugs - This is a hard one for a lot of people who feel they need their cup of coffee in the morning to get through the day. Part of the reason, though, that so many of us are stressed out is that we are already putting drugs into our bodies everyday. We just don't think of them as drugs because we don't need a prescription for them.
If you are really into natural remedies for your panic attacks however, here is one of the best tips that you will get. Avoid drugs that affect your mood. Caffeine and nicotine are just bad, bad, bad anyway. So if you can get off of them, you will find that your body will return to its natural state and that with exercise and proper diet you will actually have more energy and feel healthier generally.
All of these will help you fight off panic attacks. Also, alcohol and other forms of recreational drugs (yeah, I'm talking about pot) may give you a temporary feeling of calmness, they are actually stealing your body's ability to naturally deal with anxiety. So when you use these drugs recreation ally, you may feel good at the time, but the next day, hung over and tired, you are far more prone to having attacks. You are also far less likely to exercise regularly and maintain a healthy diet if you are a regular user of recreational drugs.
Put simply, the best natural remedies for panic attacks-deep breathing, exercise and avoiding drugs-are just another way of saying: "Live well." There is just no substitute for a healthy lifestyle. Try it! You might find you really like it!
One of the best blogs I have come across is
Natural Remedies which you can visit by Clicking Here .
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Natural Remedies for Reflux

Here are a few remedies that will help you, your older child, or your baby to cope with reflux.
Babies suffering from Reflux

Babies who repeatedly vomit are often diagnosed with reflux. A baby's sphincter muscle opens to allow food to pass through to the baby's stomach and then it closes to keep the food from regurgitating. The sphincter can sometimes inappropriately open and this causes the food and stomach acid to come back up into the baby's oesophagus. If the baby's sphincter muscle does not fully mature at the stomach end of the oesophagus the baby is likely to suffer from recurring vomiting.
Fortunately, by the end of the third month of a baby's life the sphincter has developed, so a baby is less likely to suffer from reflux once he is three months old.
How can a Chiropractor help a Baby who suffers from Reflux?
A visit to a chiropractor may help a baby suffering from reflux. In order for your child's stomach to work as best as it can, it requires a properly functioning nervous system. If there is a birth related problem in the baby's nervous system that causes excessive vomiting, a gentle chiropractic adjustment will help the baby. An adjustment may help with your baby's peristalsis working at the correct level.
Natural Home Remedies that may help a Baby Suffering from Reflux
There are a number of easy remedies that may help a baby suffering from reflux to find relief.
When you are feeding your baby, keep the baby held in an upright position. Feed the baby more often, using smaller amounts of breast milk or formula. Burp your baby regularly during feeding as burping will minimize gastric pressure. Nursing mothers should avoid eating chocolate, eating or drinking foods containing caffeine, and eating foods containing garlic.
Your baby may settle in his cot more easily if you elevate the head of the cot by 30 degrees. Try to avoid travelling your baby by car, if he has recently been fed. Sleeping in a car seat can cause reflux because the baby's abdomen is compressed.
Reflux in Older Children and Adults
Older children and adults may also benefit from Chiropractic adjustments. Below are some home remedies that help control reflux for adults and older children.
If you suffer from reflux you may need to look at the type of foods you are consuming. Try to avoid eating spicy foods, foods or drinks that contain caffeine, and chocolate. Limiting your intake of alcohol may help you to control the frequency of your reflux attacks. Carry a packet of hard lollies or an apple with you, when you are away from home. Should you feel uncomfortable after a meal, suck a lolly or take a bite of an apple.
Add a tablespoon of natural cider vinegar to a glass of water. Mix well and drink during your meal instead of drinking plain water, soft drink, or alcohol. Drink decaffeinated coffee, decaffeinated tea or herbal tea after your meal instead of coffee or tea that contains caffeine.
A teaspoon of cold yogurt or milk may help alleviate the burning sensation associated with reflux.
Do not eat or drink before you go to bed. It is best if you do not eat for at least three hours before you lay down.
Follow the simple home remedies to help prevent reflux, so you have fewer and less severe attacks. Babies particularly will benefit from a few minor adjustments to their feeding routines.

One of the best blogs I have come across is
Natural Remedies which you can visit by Clicking Here .
Best Blogs of World