Sunday 6 May 2012

Blogging Tips Every Beginner Must Know!

1. Blogging is a long Term Investment:
If you are in need of a quick buck blogging is not for you. It will take you sometime before you can start making worth while money from your blogging business because blogging is not easy. Hard work, patience, a learning attitude and focus is what is required of a blogger.

2. What is Blogging About?
Blogging is about posting your thoughts on every conceivable topic. You should have a plan for your blogging. Know what you are good at and what you have a passion for, then work to profit from it on the internet.
3. What is a Blog?
For you to start blogging, you need a blog. What is a blog? A blog is a web page where you post your thoughts, opinion, articles, photographs or letters, in order to share the information with other people on the internet.
4. Who is a Blogger?
A person who owns, updates, and maintains a blog on the internet is known as a Blogger. A blogger is an online Author, Writer, Publisher or a Business person who uses the internet as a platform to do business. Bloggers publish many things online, news letters, e-books, articles, lessons, magazines, video, radio, TV, photography, music, Business related information like marketing or promotion material, etc.
5. How Does Blogger Make Money?
There are many ways by which a blogger can make money from a blog. A blogger can easily monetize his/her blog. Actually many bloggers are known to be dollar millionaires. You too can become a blogging tycoon although it's not easy as it sounds, but its' do-able because many people have become super rich via blogging. To name but just a few; Darren Rowse, Jim Karter... Bloggers make money through Advertising programs like Google's Adsense, Affiliate Marketing programs like ClickBank, Selling you own stuff e.g. self written eBooks and Software. You can add a "job board" or "membership site" on your blog and start charging a membership fee.
6. What Do You Need to Create a Blog?
Here is a list of basic tools you require to create a blog.
o An email address.
o A registered business name.
o A domain name.
o A blog/website host.
o A blogs' niche topic.
6. Free Blog Hosting Websites:
If you don't have money to invest in your own website, don't you worry, because there are several wonderful free blog hosting sites that you can work with. You can get free blog hosting at:
a) Blogger
c) BlogToolKit
d) Wordpress
e) LiveJournal, and there are many more. I use blogger and wordpress.
7. High Quality Search Engine Optimized Blog Content:
The most important item on a blogger's things to do list must be generation of "useful and unique," blog content. Your content must always be "fresh" and well written. Content "variety" is highly advised so that you don't bore your readers with the same type of old style content. Update your blog content frequently if daily is not possible for you. Content is the key to blogging success. Content is your "stock" and your stock must be of excellent quality to be able to compete favorably on the market place.
7. Use Social Media to Promote Your Blog:
Join several social networks with your main purpose being to promote and drive traffic to your blog. Register and create your page at, Face book, Twitter, MySpace, LinkedIn, etc, and create a link to your blog from these social media sites. Use social media sites' "User Applications" to publicize your blog. Download "TweetSuite"- to integrate your blog with Twitter. Join and then turn your blog posts into YouTube videos using video tools like "Windows Movie Maker," "One tree Media," or "debut video capture."

One of the best blogs I have come across is Blog Squads which you can visit by Clicking Here .
Best Blogs of World


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