Saturday 5 May 2012

Tile and Grout Care - 7 Tips to Prevent Stains

Tile and grout, whether floors, counters or showers are exposed to dirt that can build up, liquids that can stain, and elements that may harm them. These are our top recommendations for caring for tile and grout.
1. Mop with a rinse bucket. Always use a bucket to keep mop heads clean. It reduces the amount of dirty water the floor is exposed to and helps prevent residual films that attract dirt from forming.
2. Squeegee showers and flooring. Keeping water off your tile surfaces prevents waterspotting and hard waterstain buildup.
3. Redirect irrigation away from exterior flooring. In Hawaii, standing water will leave behind a heavy brown or reddish layer anywhere water has puddled and dried repeatedly. Reducing the amount of standing water by redirecting irrigation and sweeping standing water away reduces the staining effect on the tiles.
4. Apply a suitable mildewcide in showers at servicing. Tile professionals may treat shower grout with a product like MicroBan or the green version, Benefect is a good way to prevent and reduce, or at best stop, mold growth.
5. Service Level Cleanings Have regular professional maintenance done regularly, especially on exterior and shower tile. Know the difference between a maintenance cleaning (extraction style which may or may not remove all the deposits) and a service level cleaning which deeply cleans to prepare for resealing.
6. Regular sealing of grout - On a porcelain or ceramic tile, the glaze protects the tile itself, so sealing is really to protect the grout from water or oil based staining. We recommend impregnating sealers or penetrating sealers.
Sealing does not prevent dirt from accumulating in the grout joints, but it does prevent water from dissolving the dirt and penetrating it deep into the grout. It prevents the deep stains that permanently discolor grout.
7. Consult a Professional - Preventing damage to tile glaze is also important. The older the tile is, the more fragile the glaze or protective finish on the tile becomes. Once the glaze is compromised, the tile is on its way to being in need of replacement. Be sure to advise your professional about the age of tile and any patches that seem rough or don't match the original finish of the tile. This damage may not be apparent prior to cleaning if deposits are heavy.
Your shower, floor or counter top tile and grout will look better and last longer with these care tips.

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7 Secrets to Selecting the Perfect Carpet

Running your feet on a soft and luxurious carpet can be a heavenly feeling. A carpet can also be safe for kids to play on because it will minimize the impact of a fall. They come in various materials, designs and colors therefore choosing new carpet can be a bit challenging. It can also be costly thus it is important to buy the best one there is to get your money's worth.
  1. One of the first things to look for in a carpet is a good padding. Many people do not consider this important just to save money. A carpet with a strong and durable padding can provide additional cushion. A carpet without good padding will wear and tear easily.

  2. Carpets have various styles therefore you should choose the one that you really like and fits your personality. Do not dwell much on the uniqueness of its appearance. Your house should reflect your personality and a carpet will help achieve this.

  3. Consider your budget. Make sure you get a carpet that does not cost a fortune. Ask from carpet dealers and installers their prices so that you can have an idea where to buy yours that would help you save money.

  4. There are many places you can buy a carpet from. You can find them at showrooms, furniture shops, department stores and even on the internet. Go for establishments that are trustworthy and have been in the business for a long time. They should also specialize in installation as well.

  5. Go for carpets that you can take care of easily so that you will always have clean ones. If you have kids or pets, do not go for carpets that are too expensive or are difficult to clean. Carpets that are resistant to stains can minimize the annoyance you will feel when spills happen.

  6. There are carpets that have warranty options you can choose from. There are those with a 5 or 10 year warranty as well as warranties on crushing and matting. There are even guarantees that the carpet would be resistant to wear, tear and stains. If the quality of the carpet is superior, the warranty also has a big coverage. In choosing new carpet, do not just consider the warranty alone because these usually have a small coverage.

  7. When shopping for new carpet, always look at the patterns and colors. There are many of them available that it would be difficult to decide which one to get. Look for colors and designs that go well with the tone or mood of the room you will install it in. If the room is huge, you can make it cozy by installing a golden or red-colored carpet. If you want a peaceful room, your carpet should be in the shades of green or light blue. A light color such as tan or cream will make a small space look bigger. This is ideal for people who feel claustrophobic in small areas.
A carpet can add beauty and design to a room or the entire house. Follow these seven tips in choosing new carpet so that you would be happy with the choice you bought.

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Expecting Parents - Simple Home Planning Tips You and Your Maid Will Love

It's easy for couples with their first child on the way to get overwhelmed with decisions. Preparing for a life with children includes much time spent evaluating your life and the changes needed to accommodate for another member of the family. Some of these decisions involve planning out the space in your house, which can be confusing. Consider these tips for planning your living space in the long term for you and your new child.
Some couples may find that a new house is necessary for another person. While you and your spouse may be comfortable in your current living space, a child requires much more room than the two of you need now. Naturally the child needs his own room, but children eventually also need more space to play as they grow. A room may seem huge for a baby today, but after a few years and several new toys you may be searching for space that just isn't there. You and your maid can both breathe a sigh of relief if you set aside a play area for the child ahead of time, which might mean expanding or moving from your current space.
If you have a house with more than one extra room, be sure to think ahead about how far your child's room will be from your bedroom. At first you'll want your baby's crib to be as close to you as possible. As your son or daughter grows, you may need some space between your room and theirs. Consider using the extra room as a study or playroom and plan accordingly. A bit of silence can go a long way after a busy day, and you'll appreciate the extra space when there's an overflow of toys and mess before the maid arrives.
If you're planning to have more than one child, planning is important at an early stage. Shared bedrooms can help save on space for larger families, but many families won't need to save that much space. A shared bathroom is helpful in almost all situations, though. Your children will enjoy having their own bathrooms and your maid will enjoy having fewer messes to clean up.
Many parents choose two-story houses for themselves and their children. A room or two on the top floor can be useful for either bedrooms or a playroom. Your children will find a playroom up the stairs to be an exciting wonderland. Eventually you may want to move their rooms upstairs and give them some independence. When searching for a house with two stories, look for those designed with upstairs bedrooms. Often these have laundry chutes that allow your maid to collect the children's laundry in a single place downstairs. Be sure to check that the stairs are wide and sturdy with a handrail that children can reach.
A few simple considerations about your living space before your first child can make adjusting to your new life easier in the long term. Considering the child at different stages of his life can help you evaluate how to best use your home. You may even find that you'll need to move to a bigger space. Think about it now- you, your child, and even your maid will thank you one day.

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The Top 5 Secrets to Selecting the Best Lighting for Your House

Everybody wants to go home to a house with a relaxing atmosphere and ambiance. For your home to achieve such an environment, it is essential to have beautiful decors, calming colors, a nice sweet scent and perfect home lighting that can soothe the senses. These factors apply both in the interior and exterior of the house and they determine if the dwelling has a pleasant atmosphere or not.
Lighting is a very important aspect to a house. Research shows that those living in a house without much light feel sad and have vision problems. It is thus important to properly select the type of lighting needed so as not to experience these consequences.
  1. The eyes need natural light which can be obtained from the sun; thus, it is advisable for the house to get enough natural light for occupants to live healthily. Depression is also due to the absence of enough light according to studies. Natural light would then make sad people become happy again. It also avoids eye problems.

  2. The type of room should also dictate the proper home lighting it needs. Those that need strong light include bathrooms, study rooms, living rooms and kitchens because it is in these areas that people work most. Hallways and bedrooms should be less lighted because they are areas of the house that do not need powerful lights. The type of activities to be done in each room should determine the kind of lights it needs.

  3. The type of lights that should be installed should depend on the preference and lifestyle of the owner. As much as possible, the strong colors of lights supports ought not to be installed unless the decors of the room have the similar shade. If the light support's color is not the main shade of the room, it would not blend in the said room's landscape.

  4. The lightning should be in accordance with the room's style. When the house or room has a retro theme, the type of light supports should not be modern. It should instead have lightning with colors such as matte gold, burnt orange, avocado green and light brown. If the style and lightning do not mesh well together, people will see this immediately. This would ruin the house's overall appearance.

  5. The size of the room shall also determine the lighting needed. It is necessary to calculate the ceiling as this affects the light fixture's size and function. A high ceiling needs large lights or fixtures hanging down. A bigger room needs many sources of light so as to prevent areas becoming dark. Lamps or a couple of overhead fixtures can help shed enough lighting source for a room that is big.
A house's beauty and function shall determine the kind of light it needs. If the amount of light is not enough, regular activities would be difficult to perform. It will also make the house dark thus lessening its visual attractiveness. When in doubt, it is always best to get the services of an interior designer who will recommend the home lighting a house requires.

Best Blogs of World

How to Organize a Neighborhood Yard Sale

With spring arriving, many of our minds turn to cleaning out our homes and selling the things we no longer need in our lives. A yard sale is a great thing on its own, but when you get the whole neighborhood in on it, your powers can combine to make a really fun event for your family, your neighbors, and anyone who stops by to buy your goods. Here's how you can get your neighborhood together for a community yard sale.
Get the Neighbors Together
Your first step in organizing a neighborhood yard sale is to get your neighbors together and figure out the details. Invite everyone to a meeting to discuss the idea and make yourself available to the inevitable person who wants to join in but has soccer practice on the night of the meeting. When you're all together, discuss the logistics of it, figure out how you'll advertise, and make a sign up sheet for families involved. Discuss ways to clearly mark participating houses so that non-participating houses won't find themselves harassed on the day of the sale. Finally, set a date and start advertising the event while you find things to sell.
Find Things to Sell
Once the advertising starts, it's important for you to find things that you want to sell. We all have something lurking in the corners of our homes that we no longer want! Old clothes, forgotten children's toys, and mismatched dishware are always good places to start. If you have enough time, start looking through your basement, attic, and garage for other forgotten items that are just gathering dust. You may be shocked at how many things you'd kept around unintentionally.
Set It Up
As the day approaches, start to set things up. Mark your house as a sale participant. Begin marking each item with the price you think you'll be able to sell it for. Be realistic about these prices; if you think you can make more on an auction site, sell it there instead-but if you really couldn't sell it online, don't expect an exorbitant price in person! Gather tables or old blankets to display items on. Start early the morning of by setting everything out where people can easily see them, grab yourself a chair and a brimmed hat, and get ready to sell!
Clean It Up
Once it's all over, you're going to have some cleanup to do. Together with your neighbors, consider renting a dumpster for the items that don't manage to sell. Many dumpster rental companies will actually not throw away the usable items that you place in your rented dumpster, but will instead donate them to charity, so there is no need to feel that you are being wasteful by bringing a dumpster in to haul off the excess yard sale items. By renting a dumpster to clean up after your neighborhood yard sale, you save yourself the trouble of having to haul everything to charity yourself, and you and your neighbors will have a quick and easy way to clean everything out at once.

Best Blogs of World

Top 10 Most Common Reasons for Slow Internet Speeds

We have all suffered it at some point and it is extremely frustrating trying to find why the connection has suddenly gone to snail's pace. This article looks at the 10 most common reasons for a slow internet speed.
1. Some P2P software program running in the background or on another computer that is using all the bandwidth. Ensure that all P2P programs are turned off on any computers in the house then re-test your connection.
2. The operating system or some other program on your computer may be doing an update. This is another common cause of slowdowns on your internet connection. Check the taskbar for the windows update icon and check for any other programs updating in the background
3. BT could be doing work on your telephone exchange as they do perform regular maintenance on their systems. It could also be that a fault has developed within your telephone exchange. There are a number of website that allow you to check the status of your telephone exchange one of which can be found at the end of this article
4. A fault on your internet service providers side. You can usually find out if this is the case by their service status on their website. If this is the case you may have to wait until the issue is resolved or if it is not resolved within 24 hours give them a call.
5. Malware or spyware can often cause a slowdown in your internet connection as they could be using your connection or limiting it. Doing a full malware scan with something like malware bytes and virus scan will usually clear this up
6. A wrongly configured router can often be found to be the cause of slow internet connections. This can sometimes be resolved by simply turning the router off for 5 minutes and then turning it on again.
7. Is someone in the house streaming movies or playing games online via the Xbox or some other device? This is again a common cause with the availability of online movie streaming. Ensure that no other device is using the connection and then test your connection again
8. Someone leeching (using) your wireless network connection. Although not as common now it can still happen on unprotected wireless networks
9. Very low wireless signal if you are using a wireless device
10. A problem with the internal wiring of your home could be causing speed issues on the internet.
Best Blogs of World

7 Ways To Protect Yourself From Becoming A Victim of Phishing

Are you wondering what steps to take to protect yourself from phishing? Chances are high that you have received an email from a financial institution, PayPal, eBay, or even place of work asking you to login to a website co confirm your online user name and password or another personal password. If you have received this type of email you have saw an online scam called phishing; criminals fishing (phishing) the water with millions of spam emails, trusting that an unfortunate few "fish" will swallow the bait. It is good to know that there are some steps to take to protect yourself from beoming the next victim of a phishing scam.
If you catch the bait, so to speak, you are tricked into thinking they are going to the companies legitimate site,. Nothing could be further from the truth however, as you are going to the cyber criminals site. This site is purposely designed to steal your personal information; leading you to have your personal info stolen, added to the ever-growing list of victims of identity theft. The later happens to be one of the fastest growing crimes in both the USA and Canada.
Phishing scams are serious business; a very real threat to your personal security and privacy.
It is somewhat comforting to know that there are some basic methods to protect yourself from becoming yet another victim of a phishing scam.
  1. Don't even think of responding to an email query from an auction site, financial institution, or for that matter anyone else to confirm your identity on a web site. You will never be asked for this information via email from legitimate organizations.
  2. Even if it looks perfectly authentic, never click on the hyper links in an email. Instead get into the habit of typing the URL manually into your browser.
  3. If you are not the customer of the financial institution or other company that is attempting to get financial or personal data from you, delete the email. You can do your part of being a good online citizen; forward the spam to and while you are at it the company or financial institution that was spoofed in the email.
  4. If you just cannot contain yourself and insist on visiting the site linked in the spam, give them a false password. You will know that the site is not authentic if it accepts your false password.
  5. Have your computer protected with Internet security software; personal firewall, anti-virus, anti-spyware, and anti-keylogger software. Some phishing emails contain malicious software, such as a keylogger or spyware, that can harm your computer or even track all your online activities. In fact, a keylogger silently records every keystroke and even captures screen shots.
  6. It is not a good idea to email personal or financial information. Email is an unsecure method to transmit information.
  7. Review credit card and bank account statements as soon as you receive them. Better yet, take advantage of online banking to check your credit card and banking info on a regular basis. You want to do this to make sure that no unauthorized charges have been made. If your bank account or credit card statements are more than a few days late, call them to check your account balance and to make sure that they still have your correct address.
If you have fallen victim to a phishing scam there are definite steps that you should take right away, as in yesterday.
  1. Immediately contact all compromised card issuers. If you gave your password to the spoofed site, change the password on the legitimate site and any site where you use that password for that matter.
  2. Contact your credit bureau(s).
  3. In the United States file a report at and than visit the FTC's Identity Theft Website. In Canada, report the incident online at the RECOL website. You might also want to contact PhoneBusters with any info at 1-888-495-8501.
It sure is good to know that there are some steps you can take to help protect yourself from phishing scams. Don't catch the bait and become a victim of a phishing scheme. Like other Internet security threats, when it comes to phishing scams an ounce of prevention is definitely worth a pound of cure.

Best Blogs of World

Three Ways To Increase Productivity With Collaborative Communication

Companies can use collaborative communication to allow a wide variety of people to easily contribute quickly and more important, equally on a project. Hierarchical communication, on the other hand, can lead to inefficiencies by limiting information flow to a few rigid channels and inhibiting access to useful ideas and information.
More Ideas = Better Ideas-
One of the cardinal rules of brainstorming is that hearing more ideas ultimately leads to hearing better ideas. Enterprise collaboration provides a similar benefit. When everyone can easily contribute ideas that are gathered and processed in a streamlined manner, it provides a bigger pool of expertise and creativity to work from. Efficient collaboration allows your company to draw from the best its people have to offer.
To ensure that collaboration is helpful instead of confusing, define clear and consistent ways of processing the information and ideas collaborators share. Let those with relevant expertise help rate the value of the ideas that are contributed. Another way to keep things moving is to set a cut-off point for ideas and to start implementation of the usable ideas. Clear boundaries at the brainstorming stage of a project actually provide the freedom to generate ideas with the confidence that they will be responsibly used and evaluated.
Help Across Disciplines-
Another way that collaboration improves productivity is by breaking down the "silo" mentality that can compartmentalize different departments or disciplines. When enterprise collaboration is available and efficient, it allows people to draw on the expertise of co-workers who are not directly related to their tasks or divisions. Being able to connect this way, using direct communications such as e-mails as well as comments and conversations on an open communications platform is extremely helpful. Providing useful feedback in other contexts can provide employees with a sense of satisfaction and big-picture engagement, while the ideas and information they share can increase overall productivity by providing more efficient access to the information needed to do an excellent job.
Distributed Effort-
Collaborative communication also makes it easier to efficiently distribute labor. It increases transparency regarding a project's goals, stages and sub-tasks, as well as keeping it easier to see who is responsible for which portions of the project. Management as well as team members can get real-time status updates so everyone knows what's going on. Effective communication platforms also make it easier for people to ask for favors, re-assign tasks or work together to accomplish their goals. Up-to-date information on which dependencies are resolved minimizes the time lag between one task's completion and the start of the next.
Best Blogs of World

6 Steps for Infection Control by a Hospital

We've all had some kind of infection or the other in our lives; coughs, colds, measles or even conjunctivitis. They are actually illnesses that are transmitted via germs; these germs create an infection on or in us. These are minor infections that come and go quickly. Infection The real problem lies with people who work in hospitals or in medical units. They are around and have to touch people who carry infections all day long. Even patients who are getting treated at medical units and hospitals could be prone to infections, especially the ones who have a low immune system. There are a number of ways infections are transmitted and there are a number of ways we can prevent them from reaching us. Let's look at a few ways infections spread.
• Airborne - one of the most common airborne infections is the chicken pox virus. As children, we all have been bedridden because of chicken pox, at least once.
• Droplet spread - Haven't you heard your mother tell you umpteen times to cover your mouth while you sneeze or cough? One of the main reasons for doing this is to curb the spread of such illnesses.
• Direct contact - simply put, if you touch someone who has an infection, it passes on to you.
• Indirect contact - infections cause by contaminated equipment.
There are a number of things that can be done by medical units and hospitals to reduce the spread of infections.
• As soon as a new member of staff joins, they need to be put through a battery of tests to ensure that they have high immunity levels. They also need to be checked in case they are carrying any infections.
• Your hands come in contact with a lot of things, people, surfaces and chemicals. Keep washing them at regular intervals with antiseptic soap and running water. Before and after you come in contact with patients or touch any surfaces, wash your hands again. Hand hygiene is of utmost importance.
• A hospital is known for its cleanliness. Every hospital these days has an Infection Control Team. This team makes sure that every ward has a housekeeper that ensures that the ward remains spotlessly clean, literally! The areas around the bed and the place where visitors can come and meet the patients is kept under strict supervision. There absolutely no chance of an unhygienic environment there.
• In case there is an outbreak of a certain infection, that area is closed and kept under strict supervision, also known as quarantine. This ensures that the infection is controlled in the quickest possible way.
• Any kind of medical equipment or machine is cleaned regularly. The cleaning also involves checking if it works too. The medical staff that are trained to use the equipment also bring it to their superiors notice if its malfunctioning. Hygienically cleaning all the equipment is extremely important. Infections can get transmitted easily by contaminated equipment easily.
• Any hospital or medical unit encourages its staff to use protective gear. Gowns, masks, gloves or aprons all of it is available in the hospital. The staff is also given strict instructions to responsibly discard used or contaminated protective gear.
Every hospital and medical unit takes great care in keeping infections at bay. It is a matter of reputation for them too.
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7 Preventive Measures While Working With Bloodborne Pathogens

Over the past decade there are a number of rare diseases and illnesses that have cropped up. Some of them are so rare that they don't even have any treatments. There are a plethora of diseases we don't pay too much attention to; one of them being bloodborne pathogens. A pathogen is basically a virus or a germ hence a bloodborne pathogen is a virus or a germ that originates from blood. They spread through bodily fluids such blood and vaginal secretions. An accidental prick by broken glass or a needle could leave you in a huge risk of contracting the disease.
If you work in an environment that requires you to be around blood or any such bodily fluids, there are a few preventive measures you can take. There are already strict guidelines that any medical unit adopts. Make sure you abide by them, and keep in mind the below mentioned points too.
• Treat all bodily fluids as if they are infected. This ensures you take preventive steps while handling these fluids, so as not to get infected.
• Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): This includes surgical gloves, gowns, headgear and masks. You need to make sure none of these are torn, punctured or dirty. In case they are, discard them immediately. Once you finish handling the bodily fluids, remove all the PPE and then exit the area. Make sure clean and used PPE is labeled correctly, do not mix them, ever.
- In case of gloves, make sure they are not thin or flimsy. If you feel they are thin wear a double layer and inform your superior about it. While removing your gloves, make sure bare skin does not touch the area exposed to the fluids. Discard responsibly.
- Aprons and gowns need to be used to make sure none of these fluids touch your clothing or your skin.
- Goggles: Wear them if you feel there could be a splash or vaporization. Bloodborne pathogens can be transmitted via thin membranes of the eye too.
- Face shield: Wear it to essentially cover your mouth and nose.
• Make sure you wash your hands thoroughly, before and after coming in contact with these fluids. Use an antibacterial soap that is soft on your skin.
• Don't ever eat, drink, smoke, apply cosmetics or handle contact lenses while you are around an area that could be carrying these infections.
• Any equipment that has been used or contaminated by bodily fluids must be sterilized and decontaminated immediately. They cannot be used anywhere else.
• Broken glass needs to be immediately discarded. Do not touch it with bare hands under any circumstances.
• Needles are one of the easiest ways where blood borne pathogens spread. Use new needles only, do not use them in case its packaging is tampered with. After use, discard needles in a specific way that they are not touched by anyone else. Make sure you use forceps or pliers to handle needles.
A small error in judgment could mean a prick of a needle or a glass piece proving fatal for someone. Make sure you are extra cautious while handling such fluids. It is better to be safe than sorry.

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5 Things Infection Control Training Teaches

With so many new and old diseases doing rounds, one has to be really careful. Fortunately, for the layman, the doctors and nurses and other healthcare staff are kind enough to take care of them. They work hard to help them get better, to treat their infections and diseases, to contain their infections, to are minimize the damage and to prevent further outbreak and protect other patients and themselves. But who will take care of them?
All healthcare professionals are required to undergo mandatory training to help them fight infections and to keep them at bay. Infection control training, as it is called by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, a federal department under the Department of Health, is mandatory for all doctors, nurses, physicians, paramedics, laboratory personnel, dentists and all those who are required to work with the sick and their infections and in the healthcare industry. The training course is actually to understand a set of practices, protocols and procedures on how to deal with diseases and infections, before and after outbreak. Here is a brief list of what the training course would teach.
• Knowledge of infectious diseases
Knowledge is the key to prevention. It is very important to know all about the diseases, their symptoms, how they are transmitted, the difference between bloodborne and airborne diseases and what has to be done to protect oneself and the other patients. In case some new and unknown symptoms make rounds, it has to be referred to the right agencies to find out more about it.
• Prevention strategies
Most diseases can be prevented from spreading if proper steps are taken beforehand. The Department of Health mandates that certain precautionary measures have to be taken by all the members of the support staff to prevent certain diseases. For instance, vaccinations for Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C are necessary. Blood tests and chest X-rays have to be carried out periodically to check for some infections.
• Exposure control plan
In spite of all precautions and prevention strategies in place, there may sometimes be an accidental exposure. Each organization or institution would have its exposure control plan ready, which has been created on the lines of the mandatory guidelines prescribed by the OSHA. All the staff members should be well versed with the plan to contain the infection and minimize the spread of it.
• Post exposure control plan
The staff should be ready to handle the situation even after the exposure has been contained.
• Counseling upon exposure
Exposure to infections can be a very stressful event for the institution. The staff would be reeling under a lot of pressure and stress. It is important and mandatory for everybody involved in the situation to undergo counseling. Trained counselors can help the staff to get over the details of the event and help them feel better.
The central idea of the infection control training is to prepare the staff for the worst. Only prior knowledge and preparedness can help battle the outbreak of infections.

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10 Misconceptions About CPR That Prevent People From Getting CPR Certification

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) is a life saving skill that everyone must learn. However in the past few years there have been various misconceptions about CPR going around. It becomes an issue because it may stop someone from getting a CPR certification. This article talks about these "myths" and clears your doubts about CPR.
• CPR always works
People think that CPR always saves lives. This is not true. This misconception has been spread through movies and T.V. In reality only about 5-10% of people who experience cardiac arrests outside the hospital actually survive. Nevertheless, if someone's heart stops and you do not start CPR, then chances of survival are zero.
• I could be dragged to court
The United States of America now has brought out a form which is commonly known as the 'good Samaritan law'. This law entails you protection from being sued, if while trying to save a life, you cause injury.
• I will never need to provide CPR
The likelihood of you performing CPR may be less, but it is not mandatory. It is always better to be prepared for the worst. Choking is common and CPR certification classes always teach you how to save someone who is choking.
• I know CPR; I took a course 4 years ago
Research about better ways to provide CPR has been an on-going process by the American Heart Association (AHA). It is recommended that you renew your CPR certification every two years as new guidelines are added every two years.
• CPR can only be done on adults
Though cardiac arrest is not so common in children the possibility is always there. However, child CPR training teaches how to save a choking child and what to do in case of accidents. Choking and accidents are very common in young children.
• CPR classes are too expensive
Getting a CPR certification is actually not expensive when you see the bigger picture. It is a skill that can last you a lifetime and can save your child's life, and nothing is "too expensive" when it comes to your child's life.
• CPR does not help, it harms
This is false. CPR is given to a person whose heart has stopped beating. CPR is given immediately to try to revive his heart again. CPR can do no harm to someone who has no heart beat but it definitely gives him a chance at survival.
• Online CPR classes are the best
You can learn the theoretical steps to perform CPR from an online training course, but you cannot actually perform CPR on a dying person by learning it online. Hands-on experience is essential to develop this skill.
• There will be someone else to do it
To save a life, CPR should be the immediate response. If the victim does not receive CPR at once he may die.
• If a child is choking, lift the child's feet and shake
Never try to do this. This is a good example of why you should attend a CPR certification class. You will learn the correct way to give CPR and relieve choking.

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Top 30 Questions Regarding Hip Replacement Surgery

Hip replacement is a surgical procedure where the diseased portions of the hip joint are replaced with artificial ones called prosthesis. Hip replacement allows increased mobility for the patient, allowing him to return to almost his pre-injury levels and relieve pain. Hip replacement is a major surgery and making the choice to carry out the surgery requires a lot of considerations. Many questions will be asked and need to be answered by the surgeon.

1. How long are crutches required to be used?
2. Do I have to put a pillow under my leg when sleeping and for how long?
3. What is the best sleeping position?
4. Am I able to drive a car?
5. Will I have difficulty sleeping?
6. How soon can I start playing sports such as golf?
7. How long is my recovery period?
8. When can I resume travel?
9. When can I resume work?
10. Can I shower?
11. When will the sutures be removed?
12. How long do I need to consume pain killers?
13. Am I able to consume alcohol during my recovery period?
14. Is an ice pack or warm pack more suitable?
15. Am I able to climb up and down stairs?
16. Is physical therapy required?
17. Am I able to engage in sexual intercourse?
18. When will my next follow up visit be?
19. What are the risks involved in hip replacement and the possible complications?
20. How long will the entire surgery last?
21. How long am I required to stay in hospital after the surgery?
22. How much increase in mobility can I expect to regain after surgery?
23. What are the choices for the joint replacement?
24. What are the clinical results of the choice of joint replacement selected?
25. Which is the best implant available right now and is it ideal for my particular condition?
26. How long will an implant last?
27. Do I have to prepare anything for the surgery?
28. Will the hip implants set off metal detectors at the airport?
29. Will I get a doctor's memo stating my hip implant to pass through airport security?
30. Will my new hip be as good as a new one?
Hip replacement will allow patients to significantly reduce pain by 95% and allow them to carry out activities they love without much limitation. However there are complications for the surgery and patients should clarify their doubts before deciding whether to undergo the surgery.

One of the best blogs I have come across is Joint Replacement which you can visit by Clicking Here .
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6 Ways a Face Lift Can Help You

A face lift is an important process in giving you back your youthful appearance. Many people will need to have this process done if they want to retain their youthful look even as they get older. The process involves making changes to the way the skin lays on the structures of the facial makeup. The goal here is to reduce the visible signs of aging. It can be helpful in those who have problem areas throughout the face and the neck. If you are wondering if this type of procedure can be a good option for you, check out the numerous ways it is helping others to see improvements.
How It Can Help
There are many ways in which a face lift surgery can make an impact on your overall look. Each person's needs are different, though. That's why doctors will tailor the outcome to fit your specific needs so that the outcome will be just what you need specifically. These are some of the following options available to you.
1. Do you have sagging occurring in the mid-face section? This can happen as skin becomes less filled with collagen. The weight can cause it to sag.
2. Many people have deep creases in their skin just below the lower eyelids. When this occurs, it can make you look older than you are or unhealthy.
3. Deep creases can also occur in other areas. A common problem which this procedure can fix is the deep creases that extend to the corner of the mouth and run upwards towards the nose. These can change your entire look.
4. In some people, it is not wrinkles that are the problem but rather fat. If the fatty tissues move or change, this can cause an aging look. The fat can fall or become displaced in almost any area.
5. Do you have a great deal of loose skin? Do you have fatty deposits that are located just under your chin and jaw? If so, these can make you look overweight and unhealthy. Sometimes, they make people look as though they have a double chin.
6. The muscle tone of the lower areas can also change over time. When you lose some of that muscle tone, it can create jowls.
For those suffering from any of these conditions, face lift surgery may be one of the best options. Talk to your surgeon about your condition and whether or not you are a good candidate for this procedure. If you are, you may notice significant improvement in your look as a result of having this procedure performed. Keep in mind that your doctor can tailor it to fit your specific needs.

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Top Common Causes of Lower Right Abdominal Pain

Pain in the lower right abdomen may not always be a cause of alarm but it is still important to know the reason for this. You might not need to be rushed to the emergency room but at least you know exactly what is going on inside your body.
Here are some of the more common reasons that trigger pain in the lower right abdomen:
• Constipation-This is very common for a lot of people. The difficulty of your digestive tract to push triggers pain in the lower abdominal area. This is because of the extra work that the muscles are doing which also puts pressure on the abdominal part.
• Appendicitis-This is a problem for people who are within 11 to 40. For appendicitis, the abdominal pain is also accompanied by vomiting, fever and loss of appetite.
• Hernia-This can also cause pain because of the protruding soft tissue that hits the abdominal wall. For this type of medical problem, the pain is also felt in the groin and upper thigh area.
• Testicular Torsion-For men who are suffering from coiled testicle, abdominal pain can be felt. This also comes with vomiting, nausea and pain in the testicles. The pain can come in surges but in worse cases, it would not go away. Hence, it is necessary to consult a doctor right away.
• Ectopic Pregnancy-This is a problem for women wherein the fertilized egg is situated in another area and not in the uterus. The pain in lower right abdomen gets even more intense if the fertilized egg resides in the fallopian tube.
• Cancer-Different types of cancer can also lead to pain in the lower abdomen. The reason why this type of aching should not be ignored is because it may also be symptom of bowel cancer, colon caner or ovarian cancer.
• Endometriosis-This health problem is triggered when the womb tissues grows beyond the womb. For cases like this, there is also slight swelling which can be felt when the painful area is being pressed lightly. The pain could get even worse during the menstrual period.
• Pelvic Inflammatory Disease-Women's womb may sometimes be positioned the wrong way. Pain is present in the lower right abdominal part when the womb is tilted to this side. For this disorder, pain, vaginal discharge and fever may also be experienced.
• Ulcerative Colitis-This is a disease that damages the large bowel. The pain in lower right abdomen is just one of the symptoms because this usually causes weight loss and bloody stool too.
• Salpingitis-Women who have multiple sexual partners are prone to this illness. This is an infection in the tube which makes intercourse painful and causes excessive vaginal discharge.
These are some of the more common reasons for abdominal pain on the right side. Self-diagnosis is not the best way to go since some of the symptoms may be too similar. If you want to really take good care of your body, asking for doctor's advice should be prioritized.

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Motivation - 10 Steps to Achieving Your Goals

Motivation is a fundamental requirement for us to achieve our goals. How well and fast we achieve our goals is based on how motivated we are. When a person is trying to achieve goals it is important to try to find the motivation to attain them efficiently and effortlessly. Since we are all interested in health and fitness, it is easy to use motivation within exercise content.
1. When changing your lifestyle do not make too many changes at once. Start gradually and get used to those changes. It is much easier to give up smoking or drinking, than to give up both at the same time. Or it is much easier to exercise twice a week rather than setting an initial goal of exercising 4-5 times a week.
2. When you are making a lifestyle changes try not to leave gaping holes within your lifestyle. If you are giving up smoking or drinking, try to occupy your time doing other things to take your mind off the cravings.
3. If you find it difficult to keep with the new lifestyle, rather than give up and go back to your old ways, try something else. It is not a crime to get bored of something. Only when you are happy and satisfied with what you are doing will you achieve your goals.
4. When changing your lifestyle, try to get a friend or loved one to do it with you. A problem shared is a problem halved. It is much easier to start an exercise programme with a friend; you have someone to talk through your experience with and what you are achieving.
5. If you have a particular interest or hobby, try and base the changes around something that you like doing. If you want to get fit then this method will not only help you achieve your goals but increase your skill level as well.
6. Reward yourself for achieving short term goals along the way. There is nothing more satisfying than going to the shops and treating yourself.
7. With certain changes, you can allow yourself to indulge so that you're not cutting everything out of your lifestyle right away. You can indulge your passion when you have achieved short term goals.
8. If you have many changes that you would like to make to your lifestyle, then choose one that is most easy to achieve first. Many of us have a number of things we would like to change about ourselves. Take the easiest one first and work your way up to the most difficult one. Achievements come in small steps until you start to get going and build up motivation.
9. Focus on the positive aspects of what you are trying to achieve and not the negative aspects. When you feel yourself starting to flag or get bored, reflect on what you have already achieved.
10. As with everything, achieving change is not easy. The better you research and plan how you are going to change, the more you will know and the easier it will be. When planning a lifestyle change it is important to look at the way you are going to achieve your goals.
One of the main factors in a lifestyle change such as getting fit or losing weight is the major change to a lifestyle that we are happy and comfortable with. To sustain a change takes determination, but when you have achieved your goals you feel as if you are conquering the world.

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First Aid Training For Kids: 5 Points to Consider

Kids first learn about safety when told by parents not to touch a hot stove. Kids have an amazing capacity to learn new things. So you need to teach them from a very young age about safety and what to do when emergencies arise.
Accidents and emergencies are frightening to adults, so how much more for children. They come as a surprise and therefore it becomes difficult to react properly. However, with a little knowledge and planning you can avoid a big disaster. Children are prone to accidents. Though they are young they can protect themselves and others by some simple measures. It is always better to discuss first aid with your kids rather than waiting for an emergency to happen first.
Five points to consider while teaching your kids about first aid:
• Talk about First aid: First of all, you need to talk to them about safety and fist aid. The basics of first aid can be adapted so that your kids can understand them however old they may be. There is no need to go into details. Talk about situations they may encounter in everyday life like bruises, cuts, choking, etc. In the end, make them tell you what they learned so that you can clear doubts and misunderstandings.
• Act it out: Make up a situation and act it out with your kids. Acting out helps to strengthen a kid's knowledge. Alarming and fearful situations can be dealt with while acting it out. It builds their confidence to be able to do the same thing when emergencies arise. Discuss how to respond in certain situations and allow them to practice on you or on dolls.
• Calling 911: A child should be taught to call 911 in case of an emergency. The first thing your child should do is call 911 before attempting to help the victim. Teach your child to use the phone and what numbers to press. Explain to your child what situations constitute an emergency, like someone passing out, choking, convulsing, and so on.
• Bleeding: Show your child how to control bleeding by applying pressure using a cloth or bandage and pressing it on the wound. Allow your child to practice bleeding control techniques on dolls.
• Breathing and basic CPR: Based on the age of your child, you can teach him the important points of chest compressions and mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Instruct your child to check if the person is breathing and teach him to administer gentle breaths. A child should also learn how to check the pulse. All this information is to be given to a child who is old enough to understand and apply it. Therefore, parental discernment is necessary here.
The home is the best place to provide first aid training for your child. In familiar surroundings they learn faster. There have been many cases where little children have saved their parent's life by calling 911 for help when their parents became unconscious, all because that's what they had been taught.

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Night Sweats Treatments: A Brief Overview

Night sweats treatments are methods often prescribed to remedy the problem of night sweats. They're defined as episodes of heavy sweating during the night which may drench the patient's clothing and sometimes even bedding which is not induced by the surrounding environment's temperature. It is a common problem that affects a large number of people from time to time. However, it does not always necessarily symptomize a medical problem.
They can be caused due to a variety of reasons including but not limited to menopause, Idiopathic hyperhidrosis, infections like tuberculosis and some other bacterial infections, and cancer.
Night sweats treatments are varied depending on the medical diagnosis. In case of a certain disease, where sweats are only a symptom, treatment would consist of providing cure of the actual disease or illness through medication. Sweating in itself is usually a symptom of some other disease or illness in the body and does not comprise of an illness in itself and therefore, does not have any symptoms as it is a symptom of some other disease or illness itself. Some medications also cause night sweats as a side effect, but these usually stop once the medication is over.
A Lifestyle Remedy
Night sweats treatments include a large foray of lifestyle changes that have known to help reduce the frequency or even permanently put an end to such episodes. The usual remedies include avoiding products with high caffeine content, hot drinks, acidic foods, spicy foods, alcoholic beverages, hydrogenated or saturated fats, and white sugar. They also include usage of certain medication that can be prescribed by physicians depending on the individual characteristics of a patient. For example, lack of air during sleep can also cause sweating. Treatment for such problems may include the use of nasal inhalers to clear the nasal passage or the assistance of machines to maintain regular flow of air during the time the patient is asleep.
These can be very particular in some cases depending on the case characteristics and the patient's medical history. While there are some lifestyle changes that aid in the elimination of night sweats, they may not be of use to patients who have some other underlying cause, of which night sweats are only a symptom. It is therefore recommended to consult a physician before any medication is taken since the wrong medication may enhance the problem instead of solving it. There are also a lot of books which can help you.

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How To Overcome Myths About Natural Products

Most people are generally resistant to change, and while changing your brand to something natural and non-toxic to the environment might mean breaking a 20 or 30-year habit, the health benefits are undeniable. Housewives are 55% more likely to get cancer than women who work outside of the home, a statistic that can be attributed to the dangerous chemicals they are exposed to on a daily basis. People are developing serious skin and respiratory diseases from exposure to toxins and experiencing long term illnesses, while the chemicals run riot through our ecological and water systems. Changing your mind about what you use to clean your home with starts with debunking some of the common myths that surround "natural" products and how powerful they are. Here are some of them:
Natural Products Are Not as Effective as Chemicals
Simple products like vinegar and baking soda can do just as effective a job as some of the most expensive chemicals on the market, and without the serious long term side effects. While toxic products destroy bad germs and bacteria, they also destroy the good bacteria which weaken your immune system and make you more susceptible to disease and infection.
Nature contains a number of poisonous plant species that can be highly toxic. Natural products still need to be stored and handled responsibly, but they do not pose health risks to you and your family.
You Can Make a Difference
While many of the big brands manufacturing toxic chemicals have been running for years and have a broad base of clients using them, everyone can make a contribution, and change starts one small step at a time. For example, the United States uses 8.3 billion pounds of dry washing powder and a billion gallons of liquid laundry detergent every year. The average person uses about 30 pounds of laundry detergent every year, which contains high levels of phosphates. Phosphates kill water and marine life when it is recirculated after washing a load. It causes a surge in algae levels, which grow in response to fertilizing pollutants in the water systems. If just a thousand people made a change to their laundry detergent, they would be able to make a tangible difference to ecological disasters.
Natural Products Are Difficult To Find
More stores are diversifying their product options by offering ecologically-friendly detergents, and there plenty of products available for purchase online. While toxic household chemicals might dominate the supermarket shelves now, changes in consumer demands will cause changes in product options as time progresses.
Buying From a Smaller Company Isn't a Guarantee of Quality
While it might feel uncomfortable changing your brand of choice after so many years, there are plenty of smaller companies emerging with the potential to grow to the same levels as some of the more established companies. Look out for companies that are not only making a difference to what goes into the chemicals they manufacture but also the way they manufacture and package them, and that are making a concerted effort to reduce their carbon footprint.

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Healing Cancer - Learn About Ways to Remove It So It Won't Come Back

Have you ever wondered why a person dies after being successfully treated for cancer? When a doctor tells a patient they have got it all, that doesn't mean you can carry on living the same way you were, when the cancer first appeared. Only a person who is ill informed or a fool would do that.
We don't get cancer, our bodies grow it and the reason it grows is because of factors relating to modern living. It's our artificial food, the toxic chemicals we use believing them to be harmless and generally a life void of the 7 necessities of life. Cancer wasn't a problem many years ago and nowadays is only a problem in developed countries so you don't have to be a genius to figure out the causes of it.
Cancer is similar to a disease called scurvy that was a problem 200 years ago. Scurvy is a deficiency disease where the body is deficient in vitamin C. Of course there is not a treatment or a drug to cure scurvy but is easily corrected by an intake of food containing the missing vitamin. Cancer is also a deficiency disease but a more serious one and none of our current ways of treating it will correct that. That's why so many people are dying of the problem.
With deficiency diseases it is pointless just removing the symptoms. A symptom is a sign that's telling the body that something is wrong and a better way or the only way is to enhance our natural defence system which is the immune system. Why do we have treatments that only remove growths? It's because our entire drug based western health care which is tightly controlled by pharmaceutical companies is money orientated whereas no one can profit from natural ways as nature can not be patented.
The successful outcome of cancer can only be achieved through a patient's immune system and the foundation to a strong immune system is through diet. The diet I'm talking about is plant based which has come directly from the earth and not via a factory. It is essential that the food you choose to eat is freshly grown and the results are nothing short of amazing.
Other lifestyle factors that you need to address are, exercise as very few of us are getting enough these days. It was discovered 80 years ago that cancer cells despise oxygen. In fact oxygen therapy is a favourite among many natural clinics; because it is effective in removing cancer cells without damaging the rest of the body. The easiest way to get oxygen into the body is through exercise.
What is also important is some vitamin D and we get that freely from the sun. Dark skin people need more than fair skin people as their skin doesn't absorb the sun's rays as well. We also need water to drink, something we have almost forgotten to do as we are mainly consuming sugary flavoured drinks, and let's not forget plenty of rest and sleep. All these changes are important in healing the body from cancer without it returning.
Cancer treatments today may have become more sophisticated but unfortunately the survival statistics don't reflect any changes.

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8 Ways to Burn Belly Fat Without Exercise

Looking to burn belly fat without exercise? Or, if you are like me, searching for additional ways to burn belly fat beyond traditional exercise. Here are some great ways to increase your metabolism without getting on an exercise machine, lifting a dumbbell or doing abdominal routines.
1) Walk
Walking has been heavily documented as the best thing for sedentary people to add to lose weight permanently. Everyday find opportunities to walk more often. To the corner store, around the house, or in place. It really does not matter as long as you walk at least 30 minutes daily. Consistently increase your walking pace to 3.5 miles per hour.
2) Stand Up
Standing burns 33% more calories than sitting. Be sure to stand for a total of 3 hours daily to burn belly fat. Next time you find yourself sitting on the couch watching TV, Stand Up! For an increased effect walk in place as you watch TV.
3) Suck In Your Stomach
Yes, merely sucking in your stomach will tighten up your belly and strengthen the muscles underneath your future six-pack. Here's what you do - Suck in your stomach as far as you can (Pull inwards, not squeezing). Focus on pulling in your belly button as far as you can. Hold for 5 seconds, keep breathing, and release. Rest for 10 seconds and repeat, this time focus on pulling in from the top of your belly. Alternate. You will feel the burn.
Start off with 10 reps twice a day. Over the next two weeks increase the frequency and the duration of sucking in your stomach farther and farther, more and more often, holding it longer and longer. In your car, at your desk, walking, remember don't hold your breath. Eventually you want to get to the point where you are doing it constantly and unconsciously.
4) Turn Off The TV
People who watch television for 3 hours daily or more are 60% more likely to be or become obese. Watch TV for an hour a day and find something else to do. Garden, clean, build something, whatever as long as you find yourself moving.
5) Breathe
Did you know the number one method to eliminate waste from our bodies is exhaling? When you burn fat, your body creates a lot of toxins that must be eliminated. If you have ever had a science course you will undoubtedly be familiar with the fact that mass cannot be created or destroyed, only converted. When you burn wood, the mass of the wood is converted to energy and gas. The same thing happens when we burn belly fat in our bodies. We in essence, breathe out all the fat.
If you were sealed in a glass container that just happened to be sitting on a scale, and you lost 40 pounds, the scale would not show the weight loss. Why? Because the weight of all the fat lost would be trapped in the air of the sealed glass container. What I am trying to say is, breathe! Practice deep breathing exercises, short breathing techniques and any other breathing exercise that interests you.
6) Take a Bath
Do not worry, this is not as easy as it sounds. Here we are talking about cold water immersion. Water cold enough to make you shiver. Fifteen minutes of shivering is equal to jogging for 15 minutes. In their training, Navy SEAL's are forced to sit in the ocean as waves crash over them for up to an hour. This is not warm water, rather 45-50 degree water. Due to the severity of this training, SEAL's are constantly monitored for hypothermia. This is not recommend or endorsed.

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Cancer - Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Cancer is one of the most stigmatised words in the English language. It encompasses a wide variety of illnesses and yet, as knowledge of its existence has steadily grown, knowledge of exactly what it consists of has dwindled, confined to the realms of myth and rumour that are so damaging to the actual facts.
Cancers, put simply, are malignant tumours that are unregulated in the growth and spread of their cells and the invasion of neighbouring tissues. The word "malignant" is important here. Not all tumours are cancerous; it is only the ones that multiply and spread rapidly that are considered as such.
Cancer is usually detected by certain signs and symptoms depending on the type and location of the cancer, as well as various screening tests that are becoming ever more prevalent as the threat of cancer increases.
Though there are many known causes of cancer - including smoking, infections, diet and lack of exercise - cancers can also be hereditary. It is therefore extremely important to be aware of your family's medical past to be hyper-aware for any signs and symptoms that you may have developed similar issues.
There are no symptoms of cancer which are universally true for all types, nor can identified symptoms be specifically allocated to cancer as most can be attributed to other illnesses. It is, therefore, not uncommon for someone to be diagnosed with cancer after being treated for something else to which the symptoms were first wrongly attributed.
Symptoms tend to show in areas where the cancer is present. For example, the presence of lung cancer could be denoted by a severe cough, difficulty in swallowing and pneumonia, whilst cancer of the colon can produce anal bleeding. Other symptoms include lumps and bumps, especially easily felt in the breasts and the testes, and localised and prolonged pain.
Causes for the various forms of cancer are widely debated. This is due to the fact that any one cancer in any one individual could have a multitude of possible causes, stemming from several different events or habits in a person's life.
For example, smoking and the use of other tobacco products has long been known to be a large contributor to the risk of developing lung cancer. Though the longer you smoke for, the more likely you are to develop cancer, smoking at any stage in your life increases the risk of developing it at some point later in life. The same applies to passive smoking - smoke inhalation from another person's cigarette, for example - though the risks are less than smoking first hand.
Other identified factors include alcohol, though to a lesser extent than smoking, obesity and exercise, where avoiding the former and getting plenty of the latter is preferable, and radiation, where cells mutate after being exposed to it and then go on to multiply and invade nearby tissues in a cancerous fashion. Overexposure to the sun is one way of getting cancer by radiation, where the ultraviolet rays cause a form of cancer known as melanoma, as well as other skin-malignancies.
As mentioned above, cancers can also be hereditary, though the statistics for inherited cancers are low, ranging from three to ten percent of all cancer.
Most types of cancer are primarily treated by means of surgery. This will usually be all that is required as the full mass of the tumour as well as, in some circumstances, the lymph nodes in the area, are removed to prevent it spreading. Surgery is also used in biopsies to determine the stage at which the cancer has progressed to.
Chemotherapy has also proven to be an effective method of tackling cancers and works by the patient being subjected to a treatment regimen of drugs that target cells that rapidly divide and destroy them. Whilst cancer is one such type of cell, there are others that occur naturally in the body that are also targeted, resulting in various side effects, the most widely known of which is alopecia, more commonly known as hair loss.
Radiation therapy is often used in conjunction with either or both of the above and involves the use of ionising radiation in order to kill malignant cells. Whilst often used alongside surgery or chemotherapy, in some case, specifically with spinal or brain tumours, it is more practical to be used alone in order to treat patients.

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Regulating One's Blood Sugar Is Key to Losing Weight

At one point, weight loss and healthy eating have been on everyone's mind. It is no wonder why so many people are overweight. People are used to that eat-and-run with massive portions mentality. It is difficult to change that thinking and be able to slow down from their hectic lives and try to skip that greasy cheeseburger and fries. Instead, go home and make dinner. There are some foods that people can turn to.
To be able to lose weight, people need to know how certain foods act in the body. One type of food is carbohydrates. One's body easily converts digestible carbohydrates into glucose (blood sugar), which is a person's main source of energy. A person's blood sugar level is essential in how hungry they can get and how energetic they feel. This is important to eat healthy and lose weight. It even determines if we burn the fat or store it.
An important body part that helps with the weight loss process is the pancreas. It creates insulin, which is a hormone that transports the blood sugar into the body's cells. That is where it is used for energy. However when a person eats refined grains that have stripped most of their fibers away, sugar or other carbohydrate-rich foods, the pancreas produces the insulin at a rapid rate. This overload of insulin causes the body the body to think it has enough energy and start storing the fat rather than burning it.
Even with this reaction to store the fat, people should be concerned with the insulin surge and it results in the drastic reduction of a person's blood sugar and insulin levels. That typically causes the person to feel tired, hungry and wanting to eat more.
Some foods to watch out for are the simple carbohydrates, because they have a small molecular size and thus can be metabolized quickly. These foods typically cause an insulin surge. They consist of many forms of sugar and most of them end with "ose." Sucrose (table sugar), glucose (blood sugar), fructose (fruit sugar) and lactose (dairy sugar) are the main ones.
Besides these forms of sugar, there are also hidden sugars out there. People should be lenient about processed foods, such as bread, ketchup, salad dressing, soups and canned fruit. Also, beverages, such as soda and coffee, can add up; because most soft drinks are not filling.
After a person knows what foods to watch out for, they should realize that they cannot easily stop eating these foods. It is not healthy to starve oneself or to try those crash diets. A human body needs to have some nutrition to remain healthy.
However, a person's food intake can be regulated. That is the most effective way to maintain a person's capacity to burn fat. Some foods that can regulate one's blood sugar level are high fiber snacks and meals. The fiber actually slows the absorption of glucose and the rate of digestion. These foods keep one's glucose levels at a consistent basis and ward off hunger. A person should make better decisions about their eating habits.

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How to Lose Fat Now - 11 Tips to Effective Weight-Loss

1.) Determine what your goals are and what the most compelling reason is for your determination to lose weight. This goal is going to be your driving force behind you not losing sight of what you want to achieve. Now this is just an opinion, but losing weight for health reason is always more compelling than wanting it "just to look good", and by no means does this mean that's in invalid reason. Exercising alone is not the answer, you need to follow a healthy diet and together they will lead to a better quality of life. Ever noticed how the healthy looking people always seem the happiest. Well that's no coincidence.
2.) A blood test is advisable and may highlight some underlying issues like high sugar levels or some other mineral deficiencies that could be important as you embark on you weight loss journey.
- Ultimately you want to lose the FAT, not just the weight. It is not weight that brands a person obese, but the amount of FAT he or she is carting around all day long. Please don't be alarmed after doing some strength training if you're weight increases slightly. What this means is you're losing fat, but gaining muscle tissue. Muscle tissue is far more beneficial to the human body than excess fat. Again, don't misinterpret me, fat is essential to the body, but not in excess.
3.) Let's face it, no matter how much time a woman spends doing weight training, she will never bulk up as much as a man. They just don't have the testosterone levels men do. Woman body builders whom come close, are either taking steroids or training 3 - 4 hours a day, neither of which I think you're interested in. With regard to weights, men and women differ on their goals with weight training. It would then make perfect sense that a male and female's regime would differ. When starting out you should begin with 3 sets of 8-10 repetitions, and should use the heaviest weight you're comfortable with, even to the last repetition of the last set. Get a weight training book or find a reputable website that will show you different exercises and the correct form.
4.) Spot Improving is a myth! Doing crunches only will invariably make you burn fat all over your body, not just your abs. So stop believing that a thousand crunches a day is going to make you lose that pot belly. It won't. Now do just 30 - 40 a day and combine it with aerobic exercise and a proper diet, and you have a winning combination. Flat, sleek, sexy abs do not come from thousands of arduous sit ups; they come from having low body fat to mass ratio. In summary, combine aerobics with a healthy diet and an ab routine if you're goal is to lose that beer gut.
5.) Choose your sugar wisely. They are available in a variety of forms and are cloaked in many products. Check your food labels: fructose, glucose, molasses, and corn syrup are all sugars. Reduce your intake. Choosing foods without it will help you reach your weight loss goals faster.
6.) Just like fuel is required to drive the biggest oil tanker or the smallest family car, so too does your body. Never think starving is the answer to your prayers, since you're most likely to cause more harm than lose fat. Eating the right kinds of varied food is key, never forget that.
7.) An occasional snack is not going to kill, but don't let it throw you off course or lose focus of your goals. I just believe letting yourself indulge in moderation occasionally is good, as long as you burn it off during your exercise regime. And, if you decide to indulge in you favorite "junk food", you must limit it to once a week, but always seeking ways to improve the quality and reduce the fat. For instance: grill your burgers at home on a griddle that allows for the fat to drip off. Bake your French fries in an oven instead of deep fried in grease.
8.) Eating after 6pm is not as bad as what you've been led to believe. It once again boils down to the type of food. A reasonable dinner, with extra protein if you've had a good weight training session, is going to help supplement your body with nutrients to assist you to cope with the demands of the next day. And as is likely to happen, when you do feel hungry a small bowl of high fiber cereal and low fat milk will actually help maintain your metabolism while you sleep. The key is to not overeat in the evenings.
9.) Take a multivitamin. While it is far superior to consistently get your nutrients from your food, most people lack something in their diet, especially when they're trying to cut calories. Vitamins and minerals play an essential part in maintaining high energy levels.
10.) An excess of sodium too, can cause you to gain instead of lose weight. Check the labels and try not to have in one day too much.
11.) Do not skip any meals as this only makes your body preserve fats for energy. A good weight loss plan is to eat healthily and exercise regularly. Smaller portions of meals of up to 6 times are advisable. Once again I must stress, in moderation and part of a calorie controlled (not restricted) diet.
In Conclusion:
Do not try to starve yourself. A restricted or otherwise low calorie intake will in fact slow your metabolism and cause you to lose weight more slowly. Eventually you body will find it impossible to process potassium causing any intake of food to have a weight gain effect. This invariable leads to diseases such as anorexia or bulimia, which if left untreated can have serious psychological consequences and eventually lead to death.

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Effective Tips on How to Lose Weight for a Wedding

It is a day that you've been dreaming of since you were a child and now that the moment is finally within grasp. You want to make sure that everything goes perfectly.
And if you're like most brides-to-be, you want to look your absolute best on your wedding day!
So, apart from wedding plans, souvenirs, and invitations, weight loss is one aspect that you're already trying to figure out. Here are some important tips to consider in meeting your weight loss goals before your wedding:
Set a Realistic, Time Bounded, and Achievable Goal
Above all else, you need to be realistic with your weight loss goals. You need to plan according to what you can do and how much time you have available. You can't expect to lose 50 pounds if the wedding is a few weeks away.
A good starting point in your planning is to be specific and find out how much you want to lose taking into account your schedule. This way, you'll know what to expect and will avoid the frustrations that come with not being able to achieve goals.
If time is not on your side and the wedding is near, plan the remaining days carefully and avoid crash diets or starvation methods which will only make things worse. Instead, focus on the following making changes to how you eat and how you exercise.
Make Healthy Changes in Your Diet
This is an essential part of your weight loss strategy. Controlling what you consume will have a huge effect on your results. You need to consume the amounts calories so that you don't over or under eat.
Eat small frequent meals throughout the day which will help to control your hunger and increase your metabolism. Also, don't skip breakfast as it is the meal that tells your body how fast to burn calories for the day. The fewer calories you eat for breakfast, the slower your metabolism will be that day.
It is also a good idea to increase your protein and fiber intake to help with fat and toxin elimination. Try to avoid salty foods because this causes water retention that can leave you looking bloated.
Take the Time to Exercise
If you are short on time in reaching your weight loss goals, you need to incorporate intense resistance training into your exercise routine.
Many women are afraid that they will "bulk up" if they lift too much weight. The reality is that bulking up is not easy and is not likely unless that is your focus. Instead, your body will become more lean and toned.
Also, resistance training burns more calories than aerobic exercise and has the added benefit of increasing your metabolism. Training with kettlebells is a great way to burn a ton of calories, get toned, and have a full body workout in a short period of time.
Keeping yourself motivated and sticking to your plan will give you fantastic results which will impress your family and friends on your wedding day.

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7 Superfoods for Weight Loss

The superfoods in this article not only have weight loss attributes but supreme health benefits that make them ideal members in any healthy weight loss regime.
The active ingredient in chilli called capsaicin is a thermogenic agent which helps to increase metabolism and the burning of calories and fat. This is why capsaicin is found in many natural weight loss formulas. Capsaicin is also believed to be an appetite suppressant. Two studies led by the same Japanese researcher (Yoshioka et al., British Journal of Nutrition; 1998, 1999), revealed the ability of cayenne to increase the metabolism of dietary fats in women as well as demonstrate modest reductions in appetite.
In addition to weight loss properties, capsaicin has been shown to relieve pain, sinusitis, psoriasis, migraines and arthritis, improve circulation and stomach conditions and inhibit the growth of cancer cells.
Bee pollen
Bee Pollen, around 40% protein with a staggering composition of nutrients, enzymes and phytochemicals, is a virtually complete food. As well as a plethora of health benefits, it is said to stimulate the metabolism, speeding up the burning of calories, and its high content of lecithin can help to flush fat from the body.
Bee pollen also functions as an appetite suppressant, containing the amino acid phenylalanine that is known to effect the area of the brain that deals with feelings of hunger and fullness. Unlike the chemical manmade derivative of phenylalanin called phenylpropanolamine used in commercial weight-loss products, phenylalanin is not addictive and has no negative side effects. Bee pollen also satiates the appetite and eliminates cravings because it is so nutrient-dense.
Coconut oil
Dr. Weston A Price, the Darwin of nutrition writes, 'Replacing the fats you now eat with coconut oil may be the wisest decision you can make to lose excess body fat...You can lose unwanted body fat by eating more saturated fat (in the form of coconut oil) and less polyunsaturated fat (processed vegetable oils). One of the remarkable things about coconut oil is that it can help you lose weight. Yes, there is a dietary fat that can actually help you take off unwanted pounds. Coconut oil can quite literally be called a low-fat fat.'
Coconut oil is unique from animal saturated fats in that it is comprised of medium chain fatty acids which are absorbed directly and used immediately for energy. Raymond Peat MD, author of Coconut Oil and Its Virtues, concludes, 'The anti-obesity effect of coconut oil is clear in all of the animal studies, and in my friends who eat it regularly.'
Coconut oil has also been found to benefit a myriad of conditions from diabetes, chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia, digestive disorders, thyroid imbalances, and viral, bacterial and fungal infections.
Nettles contain serotonin, a mood enhancing neurotransmitter with a calming influence. Serotonin also plays a role in the feelings of satiation one experiences after eating, hence functions as an appetite suppressant. It is for this reason that serotonin supplements have been designed to tackle food cravings and aid slimming.
Studies have shown a direct link between obesity (due to overeating) and decreased brain levels of serotonin. This is no doubt one reason why nettles have a traditional reputation for improving weight-loss. The late naturalist and wild-food forager Euel Gibbons claims, 'stinging nettle is very efficacious in removing unwanted pounds!'.
Nettles are incredible mineral dense and are cleansing and detoxifying for the body. They are also great for skin, hair and nails as they contain the beautifying mineral sulphur.
Cacao (aka pure chocolate), contains chemicals that increase levels of serotonin in the brain, and as such has appetite suppressing properties. Serotonin levels are raised in part due to the amino acid tryptophan in cacao as well as the action of monoamine oxidase enzyme inhibitors (MAO inhibitors). These decrease our body's ability to break down serotonin so that more of this neurotransmitter remains in the brain remains, creating feelings of fullness for longer.
Cacao is also exceptionally high in antioxidants, has potent aphrodisiac properties, healthy minerals and mood-boosting compounds such as PEA the 'love chemical'.
Pure, unrefined chocolate contains none of the detriments of commercial products such as sugar, hydrogenated fats, milk, additives, agro-chemicals and solvents.
Green Tea
A study published in the December 1999 issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, led by Dr. Dullo at the University of Geneva, indicates that substances in green tea extract may actually promote weight loss. Men given a combination of both caffeine and green tea extract burned more fat calories than those given caffeine or placebo alone.
The scientists believed that the catechin flavonoids in green tea may alter the body's use of norepinephrine, a chemical transmitter in the nervous system, to increase the rate of calorie burning. They concluded, 'Green tea has thermogenic properties and promotes fat oxidation beyond that explained by its caffeine content per se'.
Green tea also lowers cholesterol, reduces the risk of stroke, protects against cancer, prevents teeth cavities and has anti-inflammatory action.
Omega 3 Fish Oil
Omega-3 oils serve numerous bodily processes and are particularly good for the immune system and heart as well as arthritis, skin conditions, pre-menstrual tension, mental function, improving memory and reducing depressive symptoms. Omega 3 oils also play a role in burning fats within the body and as such can aid weight-management.
This is due to its effects on insulin, reducing levels in the body. Insulin promotes the use of fat for storage and reduces the use of fat for fuel, hence lower insulin levels mean greater conversion of fat for energy rather than storage.
The best Omega-3 oil sources are oily fish like sardines, salmon and mackerel. Plant sources include flaxseeds (the richest plant source), walnuts, pumpkin seeds, green leafy vegetables, evening primrose oil, wheat germ and spirulina.

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Try These 3 Secret Tips For Completing That Healthy Fat Loss Plan

Healthy fat loss is probably the number one item on the list of each and every person who is trying to find a diet that will work effectively for his or her situation. When you think about it, losing weight is not necessarily losing fat on many diets. This is because it may only target water gain and flush this substance from your body. Since this is quickly regained, the overall effectiveness is virtually nil and you have wasted valuable time and resources on this type of product.
While the human body does need a small amount of fat to function properly, it is important to maintain some of this material while losing the rest. This includes the pot belly or love handles currently manifesting themselves around your midsection.
A healthy fat loss eating plan will include all of the foods mentioned in the food pyramid, with greater amounts prescribed in the fruits and vegetables category. These are naturally fat free and provide the bulk of the vitamins and minerals that are necessary for proper function. In addition, the bulk provided by these substances assists the Gastro-intestinal tract with movement along its length. The beauty of a healthy fat loss program is that it accomplishes both aspects of any great dietary strategy. This is in the form of weight lost in the form of adipose tissue and also the loss of inches in those key zones that help to give the human body its shape.
Cut down on that fast food that you consume, but if you have to eat this way, eat healthy.
Next time you are ready for a snack, instead of reaching for those chips, how about an apple, carrot sticks or better yet -- celery sticks.
Take more steps in your daily life. Park farther from the store if you can and walk.

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If You Are Struggling With Cancer Here Are 10 Reasons Why

1 - Just removing a cancer growth does not stop it from spreading despite what we are told because the growth itself is only a symptom and is not the problem. A cancer growth anywhere in the body is a sign from the body that you are doing something wrong so the only way to remove it successfully is to find the reasons why it first grew.
2 - Cancer in every case is a disease of the whole body and not just where the growth appeared and unless you are treating and correcting the reasons why it grew, it is highly likely to just keep on growing.
3 - All cancers are self caused and are a result of the body's immune system having been weakened. It's our wrong food choices and our modern way we are living that is at fault. It is at present mainly a problem in western developed countries and has been steadily increasing over the last 50 years.
4 - The 3 treatments of surgery, radiation and chemotherapy all weaken the immune system and these treatments are profit driven. Natural ways to treat the disease which deal with and correct the reasons why it first appeared are seen as a threat to the profit making ability of the cancer industry. That's why you won't be told about them.
5 - Your immune system which keeps us healthy and disease free is the key to successfully heal the body of cancer and there are only natural ways to support it.
6 - If you are still consuming refined sugar everyday then you are feeding your cancer cells. It's their natural fuel. Refined sugar has also been shown to significantly suppress the immune system. Did your doctor tell you this?
7 - A little exercise is a vital part of any successful cancer treatment because without it your immune system cannot function properly. The immune system needs muscular activity to help it circulate the fluid within this system because it doesn't have a pump like the heart.
8 - A change with your diet is also essential and if you haven't changed to a plant based diet you have either been misinformed or foolish. Cancer fighting foods are all alkaline based food which are freshly grown fruit and vegetables that has had minimal interference by man.
9 - We live in a toxic world with the chemicals we are now using and there are thousands of them that do affect us. They are in the homes we live in and the products we use, especially on our hair and skin. Be wary.
10 - Cancer in some cases has another cause and it's called emotional stress which further weakens the immune system. Examples of this form of stress are the loss of a close family member, a bitter divorce or a business crisis. If this is your problem seek help from a councillor.
No one can patent and profit from natural medicine like you can with chemotherapy and radiation so that is why you won't be told about natural ways to overcome cancer. Cancer is caused by a depressed immune system so how can it possibly be cured by our mainstream toxic therapies in use today that further weakens this same system.

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Three Ingredients of Foods That Prevent Cancer

What health condition do you fear most? If you are like most people, you answered "cancer". Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the U.S. (heart disease is number one). Cancer is associated in people's minds as a painful, drawn-out illness that is devastating to your body and also takes a huge toll on your loved ones and friends. Many people mistakenly believe that cancer is uncontrollable. Evidence proves this viewpoint wrong. The foods you eat may assist in preventing cancer. Certain foods may also improve the condition of current cancer patients.
Medical case study after case study give examples of patients who have successfully beat cancer, defying their prognoses, and eating the right foods was a big part of these success stories. For many years, researchers have studied the role nutrition plays in the prevention of cancer. Today, the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF), the biggest cancer research group in the United Kingdom, is a vocal proponent of the idea that between 35 and 70 percent of cancer is related to unhealthy diets. On the other hand, eating a healthy diet that is rich in superfoods like blueberries, almonds, and salmon may lower your risk of many cancers.
Cancer-fighting foods share many of the same properties, such as a high amount of phytochemicals, fiber, and antioxidants. Phytochemicals are found naturally in plants and are responsible for the color of blueberries and the smell of garlic. Fiber, or ruffage, is the indigestible portion of plants. Antioxidants is a molecular component of certain foods that inhibits the oxidation other molecules, which can damage cells.
Here are some examples of how foods with these three properties can help prevent cancers:
- Lycopene is a phytochemical found in tomatoes. According to studies done by the American Cancer Society, foods with a high concentration of lycopene may lower the risk of prostate cancer as well as other cancers. The link between lycopene and cancer is still being studied.
- Berries are rich in phytochemicals that have also been proven to assist in the prevention of cancer. The phytochemicals in the berries trigger antioxidant reactions. These antioxidant reactions act to neutralize the damage done to your body's cells by cancer.
- Red wine has two polyphenols known as catechins and resveratrol. Both of these polyphenols help protect against cancer by slowing down the growth of cancerous cells.
- Broccoli is a super food that inhibits the progression of hormone-sensitive cancers. These include breast and ovarian cancers.
- Several expensive studies have been conducted to see if garlic and garlic extracts can reduce the risk of cancer. Several of these studies support the notion that garlic and garlic extracts are effective at fighting several forms of cancer. More studies in this area are underway.
- Fiber rich foods such as legumes (beans) have been shown to alleviate inflammation in the colon, which in turn is linked with the reduction of colon cancer.
More research is needed to further understand what foods can prevent cancer and how they work. For now, it is important to know that the foods you eat can influence whether you develop cancer. In particular, foods rich in phytochemicals, fiber, and antioxidants can help inhibit the growth of many cancers.

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How To Look For Early Lung Cancer Symptoms

With an awareness of Lung Cancer rising amongst the western world population and many new initiatives been driven forward to reduce the risk of cancers as a whole, it is understandable that many people (whether they are, have been or haven't smoked) are increasingly worried about ailments and illnesses that may indicate a potential risk of this type of Cancer. Early Lung Cancer symptoms can manifest themselves in a variety of ways, so to the untrained eye, it is entirely possible to go unnoticed or even recognised as something else completely.
We know from medical advances that as with all types of cancer, Lung Cancer carries a much greater probability of a successful and speedy recovery if it caught and diagnosed at an early stage. This is why it is so crucial to be aware of the symptoms that are associated with first having developed the disease. Recent statistics have suggested that those sufferers who identify and seek appropriate treatment in the early stages, can look to have between 60-80% survivability rate, while the figures decrease drastically to approximately 10% for those who are diagnosed in the late stages. So with that in mind, the importance of identifying early lung cancer symptoms as soon as possible is crucial. Here's what you need to look for:
Coughing - While this is one of the primary signs of early lung cancer, it is in the same instance, a very common occurrence caused by a multitude of conditions from a simple cold, to an irritation, to an allergy, to more serious conditions such as lung cancer. For that very reason it's always worth keeping in mind that the presence of a cough does not automatically mean a cause for concern.
Shortness of breath or Lethargy - Another commonly occurring early symptom is a shortness of breath when undertaking activities that you would not have normally struggled with. Even normal household chores such as hoovering or window cleaning can leave early stage sufferers breathless and finding it difficult to get air. This can be exclusive or even coupled with a general feeling of lethargy. Tiredness throughout the day can be explained by a number of other factors such as age or physical activity but it is worth remembering that this is an early stage sign and one worth looking for.
Pains or aches throughout your upper torso - This is a symptom more specific to lung cancer and can help you to identify a problem early on. As lung cancers develop they can cause pain in nerves surrounding the affected areas. This can result in pains through your chest, back, shoulders or arms. It may, of course, be muscular in origin, but remember that if it does not subside in a day or two, it is worth approaching a medical professional with your concerns.
This article by no means covers the entire spectrum of early lung cancer symptoms but does give you an idea of some of the more common symptoms that may be present at the early stages of the disease. As with all health related concerns it's absolutely crucial to ensure any concerns are relayed to a qualified medical practitioner who can arrange for the necessary tests to be carried out for a proper diagnosis.

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