Tuesday 8 May 2012

How to Stop Snoring Naturally - Quick and Easy Ways

Snoring is often considered funny but the one who suffers from it can experience sleepless nights, choking spells, and abnormal body motions. It can be perturbing for the sleeping partners of the snorers to the extent that even sharing a room becomes a problem. If you too are a snorer and are looking for ways on How to Stop Snoring Naturally, you will find information contained in this article very helpful.

Many people spend hours surfing the Internet to look for Snoring Cures that can help them. Many a times, people resort to medicines or pills to stop snoring. It can be frustrating at times when these cures or medicines do not work. This article outlines the most efficient Home Remedies for Snoring Relief. These may include:
• Avoid sleeping on the back. It is because in this position, tongue tends to fall backwards limiting the airway to some extent which leads to snoring.
• Cutting on the intake of dairy products before going to bed. Yoghurt, cheese, and other milk products should be avoided at least three hours before going to bed. Eating these products will lead to increased mucus production which may be a precipitating factor for snoring.
• If you tend to mouth breath, you should put efforts on developing the habit to breathe through the nose. This will reduce and eliminate snoring to a great extent. There are mouth sealants and chin straps available that can help with the gentle closure of mouth during sleep and encourage breathing through the nose.
• Cutting on the intake of alcohol, caffeine, and smoking can greatly help with reduction of snoring. Also, overeating before bedtime should also be avoided.
• Following a regular sleep routine, warm bath before bedtime and using an air filter in the bedroom can also work as helping measures for eliminating snoring and promoting a sound sleep.
• Avoid using a pillow that is too soft as very soft pillows tend to relax the throat muscles and narrow air passage.
• Using a humidifier in the bedroom or inhaling steam before sleep can eliminate dryness of the nasal passages and can work on moisturizing the throat and nasal passage.
• Cut on the intake of rich foods like pizzas, chocolates, cookies and cakes.
• Taking a teaspoon of honey before going to sleep can also help with the sleep quality and reduction in snoring.
• You can simply try the nasal strips available over-the-counter at your nearest pharmacy. These nasal strips can help widen the nasal airway and will open up the nostrils to increase the air flow.
Besides the above, you should avoid intake of any sedatives, sleeping pills, anti-histamines, or tranquilizers before going to bed. These products tend to relax the muscles and block the air passage. You can also try sewing a tennis ball on the back of your shirt while sleeping. This will keep you from sleeping on the back. There are also special t-shirts available with pockets on the back to use the tennis ball method.
If you have been snoring for quite a long time and your partner is constantly complaining of disrupted sleep, you should go ahead and consult your medical practitioner to seek relief. Trying on the above mentioned home remedies can also greatly help in snoring reduction and helping you have a restful night sleep.

One of the best blogs I have come across is
How toStop Snoring which you can visit by Clicking Here .
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