Saturday 5 May 2012

10 Misconceptions About CPR That Prevent People From Getting CPR Certification

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) is a life saving skill that everyone must learn. However in the past few years there have been various misconceptions about CPR going around. It becomes an issue because it may stop someone from getting a CPR certification. This article talks about these "myths" and clears your doubts about CPR.
• CPR always works
People think that CPR always saves lives. This is not true. This misconception has been spread through movies and T.V. In reality only about 5-10% of people who experience cardiac arrests outside the hospital actually survive. Nevertheless, if someone's heart stops and you do not start CPR, then chances of survival are zero.
• I could be dragged to court
The United States of America now has brought out a form which is commonly known as the 'good Samaritan law'. This law entails you protection from being sued, if while trying to save a life, you cause injury.
• I will never need to provide CPR
The likelihood of you performing CPR may be less, but it is not mandatory. It is always better to be prepared for the worst. Choking is common and CPR certification classes always teach you how to save someone who is choking.
• I know CPR; I took a course 4 years ago
Research about better ways to provide CPR has been an on-going process by the American Heart Association (AHA). It is recommended that you renew your CPR certification every two years as new guidelines are added every two years.
• CPR can only be done on adults
Though cardiac arrest is not so common in children the possibility is always there. However, child CPR training teaches how to save a choking child and what to do in case of accidents. Choking and accidents are very common in young children.
• CPR classes are too expensive
Getting a CPR certification is actually not expensive when you see the bigger picture. It is a skill that can last you a lifetime and can save your child's life, and nothing is "too expensive" when it comes to your child's life.
• CPR does not help, it harms
This is false. CPR is given to a person whose heart has stopped beating. CPR is given immediately to try to revive his heart again. CPR can do no harm to someone who has no heart beat but it definitely gives him a chance at survival.
• Online CPR classes are the best
You can learn the theoretical steps to perform CPR from an online training course, but you cannot actually perform CPR on a dying person by learning it online. Hands-on experience is essential to develop this skill.
• There will be someone else to do it
To save a life, CPR should be the immediate response. If the victim does not receive CPR at once he may die.
• If a child is choking, lift the child's feet and shake
Never try to do this. This is a good example of why you should attend a CPR certification class. You will learn the correct way to give CPR and relieve choking.

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