Saturday 5 May 2012

8 Ways to Burn Belly Fat Without Exercise

Looking to burn belly fat without exercise? Or, if you are like me, searching for additional ways to burn belly fat beyond traditional exercise. Here are some great ways to increase your metabolism without getting on an exercise machine, lifting a dumbbell or doing abdominal routines.
1) Walk
Walking has been heavily documented as the best thing for sedentary people to add to lose weight permanently. Everyday find opportunities to walk more often. To the corner store, around the house, or in place. It really does not matter as long as you walk at least 30 minutes daily. Consistently increase your walking pace to 3.5 miles per hour.
2) Stand Up
Standing burns 33% more calories than sitting. Be sure to stand for a total of 3 hours daily to burn belly fat. Next time you find yourself sitting on the couch watching TV, Stand Up! For an increased effect walk in place as you watch TV.
3) Suck In Your Stomach
Yes, merely sucking in your stomach will tighten up your belly and strengthen the muscles underneath your future six-pack. Here's what you do - Suck in your stomach as far as you can (Pull inwards, not squeezing). Focus on pulling in your belly button as far as you can. Hold for 5 seconds, keep breathing, and release. Rest for 10 seconds and repeat, this time focus on pulling in from the top of your belly. Alternate. You will feel the burn.
Start off with 10 reps twice a day. Over the next two weeks increase the frequency and the duration of sucking in your stomach farther and farther, more and more often, holding it longer and longer. In your car, at your desk, walking, remember don't hold your breath. Eventually you want to get to the point where you are doing it constantly and unconsciously.
4) Turn Off The TV
People who watch television for 3 hours daily or more are 60% more likely to be or become obese. Watch TV for an hour a day and find something else to do. Garden, clean, build something, whatever as long as you find yourself moving.
5) Breathe
Did you know the number one method to eliminate waste from our bodies is exhaling? When you burn fat, your body creates a lot of toxins that must be eliminated. If you have ever had a science course you will undoubtedly be familiar with the fact that mass cannot be created or destroyed, only converted. When you burn wood, the mass of the wood is converted to energy and gas. The same thing happens when we burn belly fat in our bodies. We in essence, breathe out all the fat.
If you were sealed in a glass container that just happened to be sitting on a scale, and you lost 40 pounds, the scale would not show the weight loss. Why? Because the weight of all the fat lost would be trapped in the air of the sealed glass container. What I am trying to say is, breathe! Practice deep breathing exercises, short breathing techniques and any other breathing exercise that interests you.
6) Take a Bath
Do not worry, this is not as easy as it sounds. Here we are talking about cold water immersion. Water cold enough to make you shiver. Fifteen minutes of shivering is equal to jogging for 15 minutes. In their training, Navy SEAL's are forced to sit in the ocean as waves crash over them for up to an hour. This is not warm water, rather 45-50 degree water. Due to the severity of this training, SEAL's are constantly monitored for hypothermia. This is not recommend or endorsed.

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