Saturday 5 May 2012

Regulating One's Blood Sugar Is Key to Losing Weight

At one point, weight loss and healthy eating have been on everyone's mind. It is no wonder why so many people are overweight. People are used to that eat-and-run with massive portions mentality. It is difficult to change that thinking and be able to slow down from their hectic lives and try to skip that greasy cheeseburger and fries. Instead, go home and make dinner. There are some foods that people can turn to.
To be able to lose weight, people need to know how certain foods act in the body. One type of food is carbohydrates. One's body easily converts digestible carbohydrates into glucose (blood sugar), which is a person's main source of energy. A person's blood sugar level is essential in how hungry they can get and how energetic they feel. This is important to eat healthy and lose weight. It even determines if we burn the fat or store it.
An important body part that helps with the weight loss process is the pancreas. It creates insulin, which is a hormone that transports the blood sugar into the body's cells. That is where it is used for energy. However when a person eats refined grains that have stripped most of their fibers away, sugar or other carbohydrate-rich foods, the pancreas produces the insulin at a rapid rate. This overload of insulin causes the body the body to think it has enough energy and start storing the fat rather than burning it.
Even with this reaction to store the fat, people should be concerned with the insulin surge and it results in the drastic reduction of a person's blood sugar and insulin levels. That typically causes the person to feel tired, hungry and wanting to eat more.
Some foods to watch out for are the simple carbohydrates, because they have a small molecular size and thus can be metabolized quickly. These foods typically cause an insulin surge. They consist of many forms of sugar and most of them end with "ose." Sucrose (table sugar), glucose (blood sugar), fructose (fruit sugar) and lactose (dairy sugar) are the main ones.
Besides these forms of sugar, there are also hidden sugars out there. People should be lenient about processed foods, such as bread, ketchup, salad dressing, soups and canned fruit. Also, beverages, such as soda and coffee, can add up; because most soft drinks are not filling.
After a person knows what foods to watch out for, they should realize that they cannot easily stop eating these foods. It is not healthy to starve oneself or to try those crash diets. A human body needs to have some nutrition to remain healthy.
However, a person's food intake can be regulated. That is the most effective way to maintain a person's capacity to burn fat. Some foods that can regulate one's blood sugar level are high fiber snacks and meals. The fiber actually slows the absorption of glucose and the rate of digestion. These foods keep one's glucose levels at a consistent basis and ward off hunger. A person should make better decisions about their eating habits.

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