Saturday 5 May 2012

Top 30 Questions Regarding Hip Replacement Surgery

Hip replacement is a surgical procedure where the diseased portions of the hip joint are replaced with artificial ones called prosthesis. Hip replacement allows increased mobility for the patient, allowing him to return to almost his pre-injury levels and relieve pain. Hip replacement is a major surgery and making the choice to carry out the surgery requires a lot of considerations. Many questions will be asked and need to be answered by the surgeon.

1. How long are crutches required to be used?
2. Do I have to put a pillow under my leg when sleeping and for how long?
3. What is the best sleeping position?
4. Am I able to drive a car?
5. Will I have difficulty sleeping?
6. How soon can I start playing sports such as golf?
7. How long is my recovery period?
8. When can I resume travel?
9. When can I resume work?
10. Can I shower?
11. When will the sutures be removed?
12. How long do I need to consume pain killers?
13. Am I able to consume alcohol during my recovery period?
14. Is an ice pack or warm pack more suitable?
15. Am I able to climb up and down stairs?
16. Is physical therapy required?
17. Am I able to engage in sexual intercourse?
18. When will my next follow up visit be?
19. What are the risks involved in hip replacement and the possible complications?
20. How long will the entire surgery last?
21. How long am I required to stay in hospital after the surgery?
22. How much increase in mobility can I expect to regain after surgery?
23. What are the choices for the joint replacement?
24. What are the clinical results of the choice of joint replacement selected?
25. Which is the best implant available right now and is it ideal for my particular condition?
26. How long will an implant last?
27. Do I have to prepare anything for the surgery?
28. Will the hip implants set off metal detectors at the airport?
29. Will I get a doctor's memo stating my hip implant to pass through airport security?
30. Will my new hip be as good as a new one?
Hip replacement will allow patients to significantly reduce pain by 95% and allow them to carry out activities they love without much limitation. However there are complications for the surgery and patients should clarify their doubts before deciding whether to undergo the surgery.

One of the best blogs I have come across is Joint Replacement which you can visit by Clicking Here .
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