Saturday 5 May 2012

How to Organize a Neighborhood Yard Sale

With spring arriving, many of our minds turn to cleaning out our homes and selling the things we no longer need in our lives. A yard sale is a great thing on its own, but when you get the whole neighborhood in on it, your powers can combine to make a really fun event for your family, your neighbors, and anyone who stops by to buy your goods. Here's how you can get your neighborhood together for a community yard sale.
Get the Neighbors Together
Your first step in organizing a neighborhood yard sale is to get your neighbors together and figure out the details. Invite everyone to a meeting to discuss the idea and make yourself available to the inevitable person who wants to join in but has soccer practice on the night of the meeting. When you're all together, discuss the logistics of it, figure out how you'll advertise, and make a sign up sheet for families involved. Discuss ways to clearly mark participating houses so that non-participating houses won't find themselves harassed on the day of the sale. Finally, set a date and start advertising the event while you find things to sell.
Find Things to Sell
Once the advertising starts, it's important for you to find things that you want to sell. We all have something lurking in the corners of our homes that we no longer want! Old clothes, forgotten children's toys, and mismatched dishware are always good places to start. If you have enough time, start looking through your basement, attic, and garage for other forgotten items that are just gathering dust. You may be shocked at how many things you'd kept around unintentionally.
Set It Up
As the day approaches, start to set things up. Mark your house as a sale participant. Begin marking each item with the price you think you'll be able to sell it for. Be realistic about these prices; if you think you can make more on an auction site, sell it there instead-but if you really couldn't sell it online, don't expect an exorbitant price in person! Gather tables or old blankets to display items on. Start early the morning of by setting everything out where people can easily see them, grab yourself a chair and a brimmed hat, and get ready to sell!
Clean It Up
Once it's all over, you're going to have some cleanup to do. Together with your neighbors, consider renting a dumpster for the items that don't manage to sell. Many dumpster rental companies will actually not throw away the usable items that you place in your rented dumpster, but will instead donate them to charity, so there is no need to feel that you are being wasteful by bringing a dumpster in to haul off the excess yard sale items. By renting a dumpster to clean up after your neighborhood yard sale, you save yourself the trouble of having to haul everything to charity yourself, and you and your neighbors will have a quick and easy way to clean everything out at once.

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